
Piper Trail is cur­rent­ly full. Sign up for our wait­ing list.

Stay Informed


Updat­ed Jan­u­ary 302023


The Amer­i­cans with Dis­abil­i­ties Act (ADA) gen­er­al­ly requires that com­pa­nies who pro­vide prod­ucts and ser­vices to the pub­lic and who use a web­site to com­mu­ni­cate the sub­stance of those prod­ucts and ser­vices, pro­vide indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ties equal access to those prod­ucts and ser­vices by means of their com­pa­ny web­site, unless doing so would fun­da­men­tal­ly alter the nature of their pro­grams, ser­vices, or activ­i­ties or would impose an undue burden. 

There­fore, it is the pol­i­cy of Luther­an Life Vil­lages to make proac­tive efforts to ensure that the company’s web­site has acces­si­ble fea­tures for peo­ple with disabilities.


If you would like to request infor­ma­tion or report an issue relat­ing to acces­si­bil­i­ty on the Luther­an Life Vil­lages web­site, please let us know.

Call us at (260) 5571016.


Join us and learn more about this inno­v­a­tive neighborhood

We’ve designed Piper Trail for vibrant and socia­ble peo­ple like you. Take a front row seat and dis­cov­er how Piper Trail can give you the lifestyle you want and deserve.

Tour Tues­day Open House

Every Tues­day from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Our pop­u­lar Tour Tues­day Open Hous­es have returned. Come check out our mod­el cot­tage home. No need to RSVP, just stop by.

You’ll be secure on your tour. We’re care­ful­ly fol­low­ing all social-dis­tanc­ing guide­lines. Bring your face masks, or we can pro­vide them on request.

Vir­tu­al tours are also avail­able: Take a real-time, guid­ed tour from the com­fort of your home. Call 2604320011 to learn more.